Mesnevi (Mesnevi*, it is one of the major resources of Turkish theosophical and dervish literature. It is composed of sections from the Holy Koran and the hadis* in addition to advice and stories. 6 volumes, 1973-74), Divan-ı Kebir (Great Divan*, on this work, which was also named Divan-ı Şems-i Tebrizî –Divan* of Şemsi of Tebriz, he used the pen name Şems-i Tebrizi, and includes 2000 lyric poems, 1750 quatrains. 107 quatrains were translated into Turkish by Hasan Ali Yücel in 1923, 276 by Asaf Halet Çelebi in 1944 and 219 by Abdülbaki Gölpınarlı in 1945, 5 volumes, 1959), Fih-i Ma Fih (Everything is Inside Him, an important work on the life story and time of Mevlânâ compiled from the conversations at the house of Muinuddin Pervane, 1959), Mecalis-i Sab'a (Seven Meetings, composed of his sermons at mosques. It consists of seven chapters in Arabic and Persian, 1965), Mektûbât (Letters, his letters to the great men of the time, 147 letters, 1963), Rubailer (Rubai*s, 1964).
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